White rabbit, white rabbit...

So, as it turns out, the rabbit was real and actually happened to be somebody's pet. This person came looking for a rabbit headed in my direction about forty-five minutes after we got off the phone. He then took some five odd minutes describing this beast to me, and I realized, shortly after, that it literally couldn't be thought of as more than a rather large white rabbit. I told him I had seen something that perfectly fit his description, but also sadly informed him that I didn't know where it currently was.
When he asked me why I didn't think to do anything about an unusual ten pound creature roaming random yards for clovers, I politely responded, "My stepmother advised me to 'just let the rabbit go' and recommended that I not mention it to my counselor later."

[excerpt from a letter written earlier this week]


Finally, in just three short days, I am going home! I'm getting on a plane (yikes!) and flying to good ol' Newark Liberty Airport and GOING HOME! If you can't tell, I'm very excited. I really miss my family and real home-cooked meals and my own bed... the list goes on and on. It's strange, actually; I never got homesick when I spent my summers at sleep-away camp in Maine, but here I miss my family way more than I ever thought I could. Nevertheless, I've planned a secret trip homeward bound to surprise my brothers and my dad. My mom and I decided on it about a month ago and I've been counting down the days ever since. I wonder how my parents will react to the four new piercings I just got...